dilluns, 22 de setembre del 2014


Hi, I'm Xènia and this is my oral presentation about my last summer. First I'm going tot talk about Andorra and then I'm going to talk about Asturies.

 On the 1st day of August I went to Andorra with my family. There, we went to a natural park called Naturlandia. In the park we saw different animals as three bears, their names are Iaia, Enciam and Julio, also we saw wolves, cows, sheeps, pigs and many more. In park also I went to Tobotronc it is a ride, that is the longest slide in the world. First night, we went to see “Cirque Du Solei” it was very beautiful.

On the fifteenth of August I went to Asturies by car with my family and my cousin. We visited the old part of the city and we could see typical food the "bollos preñaos" and a typical drink the "sidra". We visited "Las salinas", is a beach where people can practice surf and there is the "Museu de les àncores". We visited "Los lagos de Saliencia”. It's a quiet place where there are wild horses, cows and sheeps. And finally we went "Los lagos de Covadonga", two beautiful lakes where also there are many cows.

 I've had a very good summer!!!
 Thanks for your attention.


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