dilluns, 11 de maig del 2015


To: ruth.gr@me-mail.com
Subject: A good month!

Hi my little princess,

Thanks for tour message. I'm looking forward to you visit to Banyoles. I'll come to the airport with my mother to collect you on Friday. What time does your fight arrive?

I think you'll like Banyoles. We live near the lake, which is the first largest natural lake in Catalonia and it is very beautiful. When you're here there are lots of things we can do. We can go to the Plaça Major or la Draga. If you like sport, we can go to the CNB (Club Natció Banyoles) and you can tests the canoa, swimming... And of course, you'll meet my friends and we ho to swim in the lake.

No need to wear a jacket. The weather here, in summer is usually hot.

See you on Friday

Xènia Tubert :)

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