dilluns, 18 de maig del 2015


Hi, I'm Xènia and this is my oral presentation about a review of a book or film.

I'd like to recommend a film which I've watched recently, called ''War Horse''. The director of the film is Steven Spielberg. The film is a drama and the setting is the UK during the First World War.

The main character is one boy and one horse. War horse tells the story of friendship among the young Albert and a horse named Joey, spreading his ways because of the First World War, when Albert's father sells Joey to the cavalry of the British Army to fight in the front.

The things I liked most about the film were the characters and the theme of friendship. Some of scenes are memorable because they're really strong.

All in all, I really liked the film, and it has got a happy ending. It's only a film, but it's got a strong message.


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